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Write up a few sentences with your thoughts and opinions on any of Andrew's books once you've finished reading. If you're not sure how to leave a review on any of these sites, shoot us a message through the site’s contact form and we’ll walk you through it.
The quickest and easiest way to help an author on Goodreads is to add his books to your shelves! Adding a book shows up in your activity feed on Goodreads, spreading the word to your friends. It will also post to Facebook and Twitter, if you have those accounts linked. Maybe you've already read the book you'd like to add. Then mark it as “read” and assign a star rating. Text reviews go a long way in helping a book gain exposure, so take a few moments to write up your thoughts, or go find that review you posted on your blog or Amazon and copy-paste it over.
A great way to share Andrew's books with your friends is to recommend through Goodreads. Here's a simple step-by-step guide. 1. Go to the Goodreads book page for the chosen book 2. At the top right, directly under the main menu bar, find the list of links that reads “Recommend it | Stats | Recent status updates.” 3. Click “Recommend it.” 4. A new page opens up. You can then select your friends from Goodreads, Facebook, or via email who you think will enjoy your recommendation. 5. Scroll to the bottom of the page after selecting your list of friends and enter a message. 6. This is optional, but a lot of fun! Let your friends know why you think they'll enjoy this book or series—give it your own personal endorsement. 7. Click the “Recommend” button at the bottom of the page. That's it! You're done!
Check out the reviews listed for any of Andrew's books on Amazon.com and click to agree with the reviews you like best (either ones you agree with most or ones that most make you want to read the book). To do this, check out the reviews linked on the book's page and find your favorites. At the bottom of each review, Amazon will ask “Was this review helpful to you?” Click YES if it’s one of your favorite reviews. Usually liking at least three is a great place to start!