Trying to avoid the media to protect what’s left of his cover, Amos fails miserably, becoming an even greater focus of their attention than his bosses like.
When he fails, Amos fails spectacularly. When coming out of Sing Sing Prison from an interview with the gang leader’s a former cellmate, a TV news reporter pushes him too far and Amos decks the man with a powerful right hand. When he realizes a camera operator caught the whole incident, he goes into hiding. The cable news eats it up, and just as his enemies are forcing Mayor Lindstadt to fire him, Amos stumbles onto the clue that can solve the crime.
It’s only near the end of his long, anguished journey to catch up with the Trinity Church robbers –and Kolsnar – that Amos Freeman realizes just how much his personal life has had to do with the trail of blood that brings this riveting story to its sudden, shattering climax.