In “The Red-haired Man,” inspired by Conan Doyle’s “The Red-Headed League,” Holmes is visited by a man with flaming red hair who wants to find out what happened to the League of Red-haired Men that closed suddenly and without explanation, depriving him of a healthy income.
Sherlock Holmes IV is a direct descendant of the famed detective whose daring exploits were so vividly chronicled by Dr. John Watson and related to us by Arthur Conan Doyle.
“Witty and clever, with a whole new cast of characters to support this new Holmes and this new Watson. They live in a small boutique hotel on Lincoln Road called Fleming House (named after Sherlock the IV's love for James Bond author Ian Fleming). Holmes paces about in the penthouse while Watson (yes, he's a direct descendant of Dr. Watson) manages Fleming House. The cast of supporting characters, from the unseen tempestuous Chef Hilario to the gay manager of the Crown Colony restaurant in the hotel, Bjorn Karlsen, who has to put up with the chef, are refreshing and contemporary.”
--Renee Rodgers, author of “A Tuned Body”