Governor Sam Houston St. Clair is the Republican candidate for President when on Election Night it’s discovered that there’s been a tie in the Electoral College, resulting in a deadlock.
The Constitution requires that in such a case the election is thrown into the House of Representatives, where each state has a single vote.
Incumbent Republican President Jeffrey Norwalk is determined that St. Clair will succeed him because St. Clair will continue his policies.
The Russians have already bombed a dam built by the Chinese, but now the Chinese are ready to open a new canal dug that will divert the water, thus crippling Russian agriculture. Policymakers around the world are sitting on the edge of their seats.
Norwalk’s aide, Phil Slanetti, has been keeping top-secret files on all members of Congress, a secret weapon Norwalk has never used.
As it becomes clear what’s at stake, everybody prepares to travel to Washington to begin the deadly bargaining that will eventually produce a new President.