Sam Houston St. Clair knows the days are running out before the new Congress convenes.
But before he returns to Washington, Sam has to bury his wife Sofia. Bedelia Vaughan never leaves his side, knowing she will likely be Sam's First Lady if he's named the new President. Everybody thinks Sofia died of advanced cancer. Bedelia knows she didn’t.
Eve Harrington wrangles an invitation from Norwalk to return to Washington aboard Air Force One.
Derek Gilbertson has to balance Vlad Kucherov's increasing bossiness as they prepare to transfer $27 million to the Bahamas. Watching from the sidelines is Cuban government operative Fernando Pozo, who doesn't trust the Russian.
Meanwhile, Lord Ellsworth sets in motion the plan he concocted with Russian Ambassador Kornilevski to hire an assassin to remove Hawkins from the equation, thus ensuring the election for Sam.
It all comes to a head at midnight on New Year's Eve.