Jack Houston St. Clair, while trying to help his dad as he lobbies members of Congress to vote for him, discovers that the lawyer Derek Gilbertson, whose ex-wife Jack had been sleeping with, is involved in a massive Cuban clandestine operation to smuggle cash siphoned from drug and Medicare fraud out of Miami and into the central bank in Havana.
Meanwhile, Phil Slanetti secretly recruits the British and Russian ambassadors to help him use the Keystone File to force congressmen to switch their votes to Jack's father.
Incumbent President Norwalk calls for a special session of Congress to convene to insure the Electoral College remains tied. Or so he says. His real reason is much more sinister than that.
Jack runs back and forth between Key West, Miami and Washington as he tries to dampen fires that pop up more often than he can put them out, all while dealing with his jealous Cuban girlfriend, Babylon Fuentes.