On the eve of the American election, war is brewing between China and Russia as each side masses soldiers on their common border—all over a Chinese plan to divert a crucial water supply that currently supplies a key Russian agricultural center.
Each side is desperate to find out what happens in the American election because the Democratic candidate, Senator Frederick Thurston, supports the Chinese position while the Republican candidate, Florida Governor Sam Houston St. Clair, supports the Russians. In a jolting development late on Election night, a tie in the Electoral College (something that’s actually happened a couple of times in U.S. history) creates a deadlock. The Constitution mandates that the newly elected House of Representatives, convening in January, will determine the election.
Late that Election night, incumbent Republican President Jeffrey Norwalk spends time alone in the Oval Office. Also up late is Norwalk’s Aide for Congressional Liaison, Phil Slanetti, who has over the years built up a laundry list of dirt on members of Congress.
Norwalk meets with him and tells Slanetti to gear up to use the damaging information in the secret Keystone File to blackmail members of the House to vote for St. Clair. They only have 8 weeks till the new Congress is sworn in.